Saturday, December 26, 2015

Family: The Best Thing in Life

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Luke 2:41-52
December 27, 2015

Our families are fiercely attacked than never before in any history of humanity. Divorce, infidelity, domestic violence, child abuse and labor, sexual exploitation, pornography, contraception, abortion, and dehumanizing poverty are diseases that threaten the family. It is a sacred duty of every Christian to protect the family. Yet, why we need to guard the family from all these evil?

One of the ultimate reasons is that it is within the family that we all learn the best things in life. Aside from learning to say ‘Mama’ or how to walk, we learn to love genuinely, to trust others, to be faithful to one other, to give generously, and to make true sacrifice. If we are always hesitant to love, or unwilling to share, the root causes may be in the family. We did not see these virtues strive in our family. St. Teresa of Avila herself testified in her autobiography, “If I had not been so wicked it would have been a help to me that I had parents who were virtuous and feared God, and also that the Lord granted me His favor to make me good.”

Jesus was born into a family. It was not a perfect family since Mary and Joseph was not rich and perhaps could not provide much for Jesus, but still, Mary and Joseph were the right parents for Jesus. He obeyed His Father as He saw Mary who had been obedient to God’s will in the Annunciation. He was hard-working preacher because Jesus was trained by dedicated Joseph, the carpenter. Most importantly, if Jesus was able to love fully and sacrifice Himself for our salvation, it is because He saw in Mary and Joseph who wholeheartedly willing to abandon everything for the sake of Jesus.

Family may be just the smallest unit in the society, but we need to remember our salvation comes from the family. Our journey to heaven takes its first step in our families.

Br. Valentinus Bayuhadi Ruseno, OP

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